Become a Member

We welcome you to St. Edward's Catholic Church. If you would like to become a member of St. Edward's, please fill out a registration form (English form / Spanish form), and return it to the Church Office. Copies of the registration form are also available in the parish vestibule.

Not Catholic?  If you are interested in learning about our faith or wish to experience the joys of being Catholic, please visit our RCIA page.  The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is open to everyone, whether baptized in another faith, those not baptized, or those who have been away from the Catholic Church for some time.  Attending RCIA classes does not automatically commit you to becoming Catholic or returning to the Church. It begins as an inquiry into the faith or refresher for those who have been away. Some who attend RCIA do not intend to become Catholic, but simply want to learn more about our faith. 

Whatever your station in life, St. Edward's welcomes you and your family.

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